Item 10: General William Holmes diary, 23 August 1914-22 February 1915 - Page 140

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The "Matunga" arrived at 9-0 a.m. and anchored in Simpson Haven.   She was give a clean bill  of health, and the mails were received, sorted and delivered  to the Troops.   No replies to the Official despatches from the Administrator to the Minister for Defence and the Chief of the General Staff have been received.

The result of the Court Martial held on No. 204 Private A.J. Clogg 'B' Coy. has been announced; the accused was found guilty and sentenced to 3 years imprisonment.

Courts Martial in  connection with four cases of looting, etc. are being held, viz: -
No. 391 Private McDonald J.R.
No. 265          do      Pitt S.J.
No. 568   Corporal Watson D.
No. 697   Private Bennett L.

S.S. "Messina" arrived at 12-noon but had no mails.
A packet addressed to Colonel W. Holmes, Administrator, Rabaul, and endorsed "Urgent" and "Secret" was received from the Captain.   It contained a copy of Slater's Code only, but had been opened by the censor in Sydney.

The Master of the "Messina" had been instructed to remain here pending the receipt of further instructions from Melbourne regarding Garrison for Nauru.

Captain Twynam proceeded to Mioko in the 'Loringow' and brought back the Motor Cutter belonging to the "Samoa", which escaped when the latter vessel was captured by the "Madang".

Letters  have been received from the N.D.L. Coy. asking for the return of the vessels "Madang" and "Sumatra", from the  New Guinea Coy. for return of the "Siar" and "Senta", and from Hernsheim & Coy. for the return of the "Matupi", but in each case the request was declined.

The health of the troops continues satisfactory.

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