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Celebration of Trafalgar Day
Naval Officers' Dinner.
On October 21st, the Anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar, the Naval Officers present at Rabaul gave a dinner on board the s.s. "Sumatra" in honour of the occasion.
The Naval Officers present were Lieut.- Commr. Lambton, V.D., R.A.N.R., Pay-master Livesay, R.N., Engr.-Lieut. Cresswell, R.A.N., Midn.Hicks, R.A.N.R., and Engr.-Midn. Sage R.A.N.R.
The guests of the evening were the Administrator, Colonel Holmes, D.S.O.,V.D., Lieut.-Colonel Paton, V.D., and Captain Travers. There were also present Lieut. Heritage and Messrs. Lucas and Dupain, honorary members of the Mess.
After the toast of "The King" had been honoured, Lieut.-Commr. Lambton proposed the health of the Administrator, which was drunk with musical honours. The Administrator responded in a very happy speech, and subsequently proposed "The Day We Celebrate," to which Paymaster Livesay replied. Mr. Lucas then proposed "Our Guests," which was also drunk with musical honours, and to which Colonel Watson and Colonel Paten both responded in their usual breezy and humorous manner.
Altogether a very enjoyable evening was spent and it was considered by everybody present that full justice had been done to the occasion.
In order to celebrate the Anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar in this new outpost of ther British Empire, a long list of sports was set down for decision. Therefore Wednesday, October 21st. was practically a holiday and all who were free from duty attended at the sports ground. The participants in the events were members of the Expeditionary Force at present situated in Rabaul. A large entry was received for each item on the programme and every event was most evenly contested. The concluding item was an attractive one - beiing a Rugby football match between representative teams from the Right and Left Halves of the Battalion. The following are the results of the day's sports :-
Squad Drill and Rifle Exercises (teams of 25 men and a Sergeant from each Company; "F: Company (18 points). 1; "H" Company (17 points). 2. Teams from "A", "C", "D:. and "G." Companies also competed.
Tug-of-War: "B": Company. 1; "D" Company. 2. Teams from "A", "F", "G" and "H" Companies and Naval Reserves also competed.
Relay Race (teams of 8 men from each Company, each to run 100 yards): "H" Company, 1. Teams from "B", "C", "D", "F" and "G" Companies also competed.
One Hundred Yards Championship: Private O'Donnell, "C" Company, 1: Private Davey, D" Company, 2. These runners proved a splendid match and the result was only arrived at after a dead heat had been run off - which Private O'Donnell won by the narrowest of margins.
Obstacle Race: Private Reid, "F: Company, 1.
Hop, Step and Jump: Lieut. Sadler, Signalling Section, 1.
Carry Your Chum Race: Private Watson and Private McGill, "H" Company, 1.
Wheelbarrow Race: Private Watson and Private McGill, "H" Company. 1.
Throwing at Wicket: Sergeant Leadbeater, "C" Company, 1.
Place Kick at Football: Private Conroy, "C" Company, 1.
The concluding item of the day was a Rugby football match between representative fifteens from the Right and Left Halves of the Battlion. Great excitement was manifested in connection with this event, and from start to finish the ardour of either side's supporters never wavered. The match was very evenly contested and resulted in a draw, each side scoring a try. The first score was by the Left Half, when Private Redmond forced his way across the line. Sergeant Crombie missed the kick at goal. This was the only score in the first half. In the second spell the Right Half had matters much their own way, but their efforts lacked the finishing touch. The Left Half managed to keep their line clear until towards the end of the game when Private Hawkes was successful in securing a try. Private Mulford missed the kick at goal. The closing stages were most exciting, for both sides were attacking strongly in turn. The Left Half lasted a little better than their opponents. When full time arrived the play was right on the Right Half's line. It is difficult to single out any player as outstanding but Lieut. Kirke and Private Hawkes in the forwards and Private Chalenor and Private Driscoll in the backs of the Right Half showed good form. For the Left Half, Lieut. Sampson, Private Watson and Private Ballerum, in the forwards, and Lieut. Sherbon and Private Cooper in the backs, were always prominent. Lieut. Sadler proved an efficient referee.
By Authoroty - Lieut. J. Lyng, O.C.
Government Printer.