Item 10: General William Holmes diary, 23 August 1914-22 February 1915 - Page 169

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larger force. Dr. Stubel and his family were placed on board the "Siar" this morning; the fleet weighed anchor at 12 noon  - "Nusa", "Siar" (with "Senta" in tow) and "Matupi". Consul Jolley left on "Siar". In the afternoon Mr Jolley and Lieut. Holmes removed their quarters to Dr. Stubel's house. Lt. Holmes sent Mr. Jolley to New Hannover with a note to the Police Master (Oemichen) from Dr. Stubel, instructing him to hand over all Government property and money. Mr. Jolley had instructions to hand over this property to Mr. Heathcote (Planter on Island near New Hannover) and instruct him to act temporarily as Police Master. This position Mr. Heathcote gladly accepted. Mr. Jolley gave Mr. Heathcote 200 marks and brought back here 7,080 Marks.

Friday 23rd Octr.: Mr. Jolley returned at 2-0 p.m. from the above-mentioned Expedition, bringing with him Police Master Oehmichen, who was allowed loose about Kawieng on parole; He also brought the 7,080 M.

Saturday, 24th Octr. Corporal Millner, accompanied by Private Montefiore, was sent to New Hannover in Mr. Kirchner's pinnace, and took with them 15 police boys and carbines, with orders to bring back the Police Boys there already and as much sactac as possible. Lt. Holmes having received certain information that Government stores had been taken out to Mr. Schultze's place, he drove out to this place accompanied by two Soldiers, administered the oath of neutrality to Mr. Schultze, settled some minor labor troubles and demanded that the stores be handed over at once. Mr. Schultze admitted having the stores and could show no receipt for having bought same. He begged to be allowed to keep them as he was short of food, and this request was granted, when Mr. Schultze gave a full receipt to Lieut. Holmes acknowledging his full responsibility to British Government for same.

Sunday 25th Octr. Complaints are being received daily from the Boys of bad and harsh treatment from the German Planters; too much credence is not placed therein because there is a belief amongst the Boys that the English are very soft Masters and this is only a try on. They are all informed that the Planters can give them 10 strokes, fine 10/- or 3 days Calubus (prison). One or two cases have been looked into. Corporal Millner returned today at 2-0 p.m. and brought back 1 ½ tons of saitac and 5 police boys who had been some time in New Hannover. Lt. Holmes, Mr. Jolley and McBride, A.M.C. went through the Native Hospital and were present during the dressings, etc. Everything was found satisfactory and arrangements were made for McBride to take over the place of McLachman, who is leaving by the next boat.

Monday 26th Octr. Orders were issued to arrest a German Planter who had been going in and out of town without a pass, and who had not taken the oath of neutrality. This order was executed at 9-0 a.m. and Mr. Kuafft took the oath of neutrality and was asked to hand over the bag of some money he had received from the Government just as the "Nusa" arrived. He says Dr. Stubel took the money back and gave him a receipt for it, which receipt he has to show me to-morrow. Held Court on boy who is charged with wilfully setting plantation on fire at Katu. Case pending awaiting the arrival of other witnesses. Steamer reported to be coming along.

Tuesday 27th Octr.: The "Velsing" under command of Capt. Charlson arrived today to ask permission to go on to Bougainville with labor. Permission was given for him to register them here and then proceed to Bougainville. This vessel brought 58 parcels of sactac which was bought by Government for boys food for 25 marks. Oath of neutrality was administered to Fischer of New Hannover and pass issued. Unrest amongst natives continues; they were spoken to by Lt. Holmes and situation explained.

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