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(Copy). NAURU
6th November 1914.
Instructions to Captain E.C. Norrie, in regard to Administration of Nauru, and command of Military Garrison:
You will act as Commander of the Military Force of occupation at Nauru, and be responsible for its defence against hostile landings by boat parties.
As Martial Law has been proclaimed you will be responsible for the maintenance of the wireless installation and prevent any damage being done to same pending its being placed in commission again.
Pending the arrival of a Representative of the High Commission of the Western Pacific, you will act as Administrator, but with respect to the employment and regulation of labor at the Works of the Pacific Phosphates Coy., the Representative of such Company will act so far as is not inconsistent with the Military situation.
You will be responsible also for the maintenance of the Postal Service. You will be responsible also for the organization and control of the Armed Native Force.
Questions regarding the sanitation of the properties of the Pacific Phosphate Coy. will be attended to by the Representative of that Company, but beyond this sanitary matters will be attended to under your direction.
Upon the arrival at Nauru of a duly accredited Representative of the High Commissioner of the Western Pacific, and on presentation of his credentials to you, you will at once hand over to him all matters connected with the Administration of Nauru, and confine yourself alone to the command of the Military Garrison.
The senior Officer of the Pacific Phosphate Coy. at Nauru is Mr. Edwards, to whom you will be good enough to hand a copy of these instructions.
(Sgd.) WILLIAM HOLMES, Colonel.