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Proclamation on behalf of His Majesty George the Fifth, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and of the Dominions Overseas, King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India.
BY Colonel WILLIAM HOLMES, D.S.O., V.D., Brigadier Commanding His Majesty's Austrailan Naval and Military Expeditionary Force.
WHEREAS the Forces under my command have occupied the Island of New Britain;
And whereas upon such occupation the Authority of the German Government has ceased to exist therein;
And whereas it has become essential to provide for proper Government of the said Colony, and for the protection of the lives and property of the peaceful Inhabitants thereof.
Now, I, WILLIAM HOLMES, Companion of the Distinguished Service Order, Colonel in His Majesty's Forces, Brigadier Commanding the aforesaid Expeditionary Force, do hereby declare and proclaim as follows:-
(1) From and after the date of these presents, the Island of New Britain and its Dependencies are held by me in Military Occupation in the name of His Majesty the King.
(2) War will be waged only against the armed Forces of the German Empire, and its Allies in the present War.
(3) The lives and private property of peaceful Inhabitants will be protected, and the laws and customs of the Colony will remain in force so far as is consistent with the Military situation.
(4) If the needs of the Troops demand it, private property may be requisitioned. Such property will be paid for at its fair value.
(5) Certain Officials of the late Government may be retained, if they so desire, at their usual salaries.
(6) In return for such protection, it is the duty of all Inhabitants to behave in an absolutely peaceful manner, to carry on their ordinary pursuits so far as is possible, to take bo part directly or indirectly in any hostilities, to abstain from communication with His Majesty's enemies, and to render obedience to such orders as may be promulgated.
(7) All Male Inhabitants of European origin are required to take the oath of neutrality prescribed, at the Garrison Head Quarters; and all firearms, ammunition, and War material in the possession or control of Inhabitants are to be surrendered forthwith, as is also all public property of the late Government.
(8) Non-compliance with the terms of this Proclamation, and disobedience of such orders as from time to time may be promulgated, will be dealth with according to Military Law.