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and arranged for all copra to be loaded. In the meantime the "Siar searched for the boat already referred to, which proved later to be a motor boat. The ship returned to Maron at 2-0 p.m. It was ascertained from Herr Schilling (Manager of Whalen's Plantations) that the Cruiser 'Cormoran' (old Russian) was at Maron on the 5th and appears now to be in hiding somewhere in New Guinea. She had 135 of the 'Planet's ' crew, and the whole of the 'Cormoran's' crew, which was disabled at Kio Chau.
25th November: Finished discharging cargo, and loading of copra (800 bags, approx. 50 tons). Left Maron for Naro at 4-0 p.m. Herr Schilling has given an order on the Hamburgische Sudsee Coy, Rabaul to pay amount of 1,300 M customs duty to the Administration at Rabaul.
26th November: Arrived Naro at 9-0 a.m., administered the oath of neutrality to Herr Hoffaman. Took on board 321 bags copra, and left at 12pm for Loringow. At 4-0 p.m. in mid-ocean passed a Native canoe flying the British flag. We stopped, and the Native Chief (Lului) explained that the flag had been in his possession for some considerable time, but he was prohibited from flying it under German Law. Hearing of our occupation he was flying the flag. He was given 10 sticks of tobacco. At 5-30 p.m. Captain Komine was landed in a boat at Pitelu; he will return to Loringow to-morrow. At 6-30 p.m. arrived at Loringow. Captain Travers landed and found all things quiet at the garrison. German Officials were informed that they must be prepared to leave at 8-0 a.m.
27th November: All stores for the garrison having been landed and Officials taken on board, the "Siar" left at 7-30 a.m. for Komuli, which was reached at 3-0 p.m. Unloading of remainder of stores for this station was at once proceeded with, and a copra cargo taken on board - 704 bags. The ship proceeded at midnight for Korat Reef, where it had been reported Captain Komine's Auxiliary Schooner 'Tshuma' had been wrecked about 3 months previously.
28th November: The wreck was sighted early on the reef. Captain Komine put off in the Ship's boat. It was feared that the Native Crew (3 Boys, 1 Mary and a Piccaninny) would be found dead, but there were no signs of the crew. Evidence of the construction of a raft being present. The engine and all removable parts were taken out of the Schooner, and the ship proceeded at 5-0 p.m. direct for Rabaul.
29th November: It was expected that the ship would arrive at Rabaul late this evening, but owing to the heavy seas and head wind, we will not arrive until to-morrow.
30th November: Arrived at Rabaul at 11-0 a.m. 3 Officials from Loringow, together with the Wife and Child of the Head Commissioner (Herr Kraft) were at once transferred to the "Morinda", which leaves at 4-0 p.m. for Sydney.