Item 10: General William Holmes diary, 23 August 1914-22 February 1915 - Page 218

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[Page 218]


The Administrator, accompanied by Lt. Col. Watson (O.C. Troops) and Major Maguire (P.M.O.), motored to Toma, leaving at 8-0 a.m. and returning at 6-0 p.m.

1,300 Copies of the 4th issue of Government Gazette have been printed and forwarded to the Treasury in the usual way. Copy herewith.

A copy of the return showing the Officers and other ranks willing to re-engage until the end of the War, after completion of their present six months term of enlistment, is attached. This does not include garrisons at Kawieng. Federick Wilhelmshafen Nauru and Manus.

A message has been despatched to the Secretary of Defence as follows:-
"Dr. Stuebel, Wife and Child sent to Sydney in "Matunga" 10th Novr."

This was in reply to a wireless message received on 3rd instant, asking for information regarding the Wife and Child, as Dr. Stuebel was reported to have been killed in Kawieng in recent occurrence there.

Health of the Troops is satisfactory.

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