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The following message was received from the Secretary of Defence:-
"Reference your memo 7th Novr. regarding shipment of rations. Please wire proposed scale you recommend having in view Paris 243 and 245 F. and A. regulations, also numbers to whom rations are being issued. Are any additional periodical supplies required for issue other than Troops."
The following reply has been prepared for despatch:-
"Your W.7597. Rations practically identical with that placed on "Berrima" for use expedition on landing. Tinned fish has been issued occasionally in lieu of meat. Variety desirable in tropics; curry powder useful. Navy pork now being tried. Recommend tinned fish issued instead of cheese, 10 per cent extra onions and potatoes for wasteage. Bread ration consists of 2/3rds flower [flour?], 1/3rd biscuit. Cold storage for 12,000 pounds fresh meat available Rabaul. In addition to Expedition Troops rations on Papuan Government scale required periodically for about 850 natives - Administrator 2120."
No news received of the "Una" and "Eastern" due to arrive today.
The "Loringow" will leave on Monday for Manus; she will call at Komuli with reference to certain stores supposed to have been wrongly disposed of by the Super-cargo of the "Siar" on her recent trip. From there she will proceed to Hermit Islands and make enquiries regarding a letter said to have been forwarded by the Hamburgische Sudsee Coy., Rabaul, the despatch of which is denied by the Manager (Herr Ehemann).
The health of the troops continues satisfactory.