Item 10: General William Holmes diary, 23 August 1914-22 February 1915 - Page 193

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Government Gazette.


The Military Government of New Guinea.
By Colonel W. HOLMES, D.S.O., V.D.,

Order No. 12 of 9th November, 1914.

The following appointments and promotions are approved in the Naval and Military Expedition:-

Lieut. Commander R.S. Lambton, V.D, R.A.N.R., to be Acting-Commander and to command the Naval Contingent, vice Commander J.A.H. Beresford, R.A.N., invalid to Australia this day.
Second Lieut. G.O. Manning to be Officer in Charges of Native Affairs.
Corporal G.J. Richards, employed at Administration Headquarters, to be Lance-Sergeant.
Private F. Fleming, employed at Administration Headquarters, to be Corporal and Lance Sergeant.
No. 967, Private S. Leer, "D" Coy., to be Corporal whilst employed as Draughtsman under Director of Lands and Surveys.

Order No. 13 of 13th November, 1914.

Colonel W. Holmes D.S.O., V.D., Administrator, returned to the Seat of Government on the 12th instant on completion of the Nauru Expedition.

Promotions. - The Administrator has been pleased to approve of the following promotions in the Naval portion of the Expeditionary Force under his command:-
Lieut-Commander and Acting Commander R.S. Lambton, V.D., R.A.N.R., to be Commander and to command, vice Commander J.A.H. Bereford, R.A.N., invalided.
Lieut. Leighton Seymour Bracegirdle, R.A.N., to be Lieut.-Commander, vice Lieut.-Commander F.G. Brown, returned to Sydney.
Lieut. Rowland Griffith Bowen, R.A.N., to be Lieut.-Commander, vice Lieut.-Commander C.B. Elwell, killed in action.
Midshipman Reginald Langdon Buller, R.A.N.R. to be Sub-Lieut., vice Sub-Lieut. C. Webber, promoted.


A further list of Civil Officials and Prisoners of War who have been deported to Australia is as under:-

By the "KOMET" on 17th October, 1914.

Dr. Haber, ex German Governor; Herr Carstens, Naval Officer; Herr Bohm, Naval Engineer; Herr Mahler, Naval Engineer; Herr Thode, Naval Engineer; Brandt, F. and Zgunseil, A., Naval Petty Officers; Meschwitz, H. and Luther, A., Able Seamen; Treppe, R., Clerk, New Guinea Coy.; Ullrich, F., Wireless Engineer; Herr Geseman and Herr Muntz, Government Clerks.

By "S.S. MORESBY," on 21st October, 1914.

Captain Moeller (late of the "Komet"); Herr Taifert, General Manager New Guinea Coy. Mrs. Moeller, wife of Captain Moeller, was also a passenger by the "Moresby."

by "S.S. MATUNGA" on 9th November, 1914.

Dr. and Mrs. Stuebel and child, Government Resident, Kawieang; Herr and Mrs. Lachmann, Assistant Surgeon and Postmaster, Kawieang; Herr and Mrs. Brucker, Government Agricultural Expert, Kawieang; Herr Oemichen, Accountant to Treasury, Kawieang; Mrs. Heisig and Child-wife of Native Court Official; Irmir Gustave, Government Surveyor, Frederich Wilhelmshafen; Eckert, Karl and Schultze, K., Government Cleaks, Frederick Wilhelmshafen; Usadel Erick, Mate of "S.S. Siar": Patschke Lion, Array Reservist from Kawieang; Zunke Rober, Government Carpenter, Herbertshohe; Kruse, prisoner of War from Frederich Wilhelmshafen.

By "S.S. Messina," on 14th November, 1914.

Wostrack, W., Governor; Attman, M., Stevedore; Capt. J. Behn, Harbor Master; Broadbelt, J., Overseer; Dubelmann, J., Clerk; Framelsburger, F., Overseer; Geibeler, H., Stevedore; Grimme, H.H. Clerk; Haarstrich, F.H., Overseer; Haefehe, F.H. Manager; Horch, O., Overseer; Horn, A., Chemist; Hoter, J., Storekeeper; Karcher, G., Fitter; Krug, F., Fitter; Lorenz, H., Fitter; Dr. A. Muller, Doctor; Pedersen, C., Overseer; Rohlfs, F. W., Stevedore; Schmidt, H., Steward; Sturn, D. J., Stevedore; Unger, F.M., Overseer; Wolpert, H, Stevedore; Bosse, G., Storekeeper; Peters, M., Police Master; Bioemer, W., Fitter.

Mrs. Wostrck, Mrs. Brauns, and Miss Brauns, were also passengers by this steamer.

Literary contributions for publication in future issues of the Government Gazette are invited from members of the Expeditionary Force to be addressed to The Editor, Government Gazette, Administration Headquarters, Rabaul.


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