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Order No. 9 of 19th October, 1914.
The Administrator has been pleased to approve of the following promotions and appointments:-
Lieut.-Commander J.M. Jackson, R.N., King's Harbour Master, to command H.M.A.S. "Komet." Dated 16th October, 1914. Lieut.-Commander R.S. Lambton, V.D, R.A.N.R. to be Kig's Harbour Master. Dated 16th October 1914. Second Lieut. T.R. Marsden, Machine Gun Section, to be Lieutenant. Dated 16th October 1914.
(Sgd) J. TRAVERS, Captain,
for Military Secretary.
Order No.10 of 28th October, 1914.
The Administor has been pleased to approve of the following promotions and appointments: No.700, Lance-Corporal B.J. Blackett, "F" Company," and No. 756, Private H.G. Pearce, "F" Company, to be Corporals extra to the establishment whilst employed on spceial duty in connection with the Government Stores. Dated October 1sr, 1914. No.13. Private C. Drummond, A.A.M.C. to be Corporal extra to the establishment. No.75, Private S.W. Barker, is appointed Postmaster at Herbereshohe from this date. No. 731, Private H.W. Lagerlow, "F" Company, to be Postal Clerk at Rabaul.
Order No. 11 of 31st October, 1914.
The following promotions and appointments have been approved for the Army Service Corps and Engineering duties:-
No. 119, Pte. C.H. Taylor to be Sergeant Baker from 1st October. No. 181, Pte. G.S.A. Warr to be Corporal in Engineering Section from 29th October, vice Corporal F.H. Streeton transferred to the Treasury Department at Friedrich Wilhelmshafen. No. 105, Pte, W. Field to be Lance-Corporal.
Deputy Administrator.
Routine Order No.13 of 24th October.
Lieutenant-Colonel W.W. Russell-Watson
V.D. Commanding.
Appointment and Promotion (1) - The following appointments and promotions have been approved by the Administrator:-
Warrant Officer W. Inglis, to be Assistant Provost Marshal, Dated, October 23, 1914. Private J.A. Walker, "A" Company, promoted Corporal (Extra to Regimental Established, whilst employed in Government Printing Office).
Employment (2). - The following men of Infantry Battalion will be employed with the A.A.M.C. from the 24th instant:- Private L. Turner, "B" Company: Private T.J. Wilson, "A" Company: Private J.D. Kirkness, "G" Company.
Routine Order (3).- Routine Order No. 12, dated, October 23, 1914, is hereby cancelled.
C.H.D. LANE, Captain, Staff Officer.
For O.C. Troops.
Hereunder is published a list of Civil Officials and prisoners of War who have been deported to Australia:
By S.S. MUREX, on 22nd September 1914.
Tolke, Ervin, Chief of Administration, at Rabaul on parole; Burghansen, Ernest, Government Resident Administrator, on parole; Seale, R., Police master: Von Sigritz, Government Manure Expert: Schmerling. F., Policemaster; Renshel. E., Petty Officer. Planet: Forster, Karl, Government Land Agent; Kleppert, Alois, Assistant Postmaster, Kieffing: Paul, Government Clerk; Wahlman, A., Master Mariner, Reservist; Draedholz, W. Reservist; Frank, Otto, Government Clerk; Sturrhan. G. Merchant; Schmidt, Paul. Master Mariner, Reservist; Schmidt, R. Merchant: Heide, Georg, Government Secretary, Offical: Owander, Fritz, Armourer; Winter, Joseph, Policemaster; Wiegmann, Otto. Policemaster; Kaiser, Willy, Policemaster; Streiber, Karl; Augar, Rich. Government Senior Clerk; Wagner Martin, Teacher, Government Official; Dolk, Max, Government Surveyor, Kleft, Richard, Planter; Berg, Max. Government Offical: Haner, Kad, Policemaster; Hucking, Karl, Planter; Schenk, Anton, Government Offical; Konig, Ernst, Teacher, Government Offical: Schimmellphenig, Fitz, Planter.
By S.S. KOOLONGA, on 30th September, 1914.
Von Klewitz, Rettmeister; Mayer, Ober, Lieutenant; Ritzen, Johannes, Engineer; Volz, August, N.C.O. Reserve; Stober, Theodore, Policemaster; Hoyer, Fritz, Postmaster; Hoffmann, Kurt, Planter; Bantleben, Oscar, Ship's Captain; Jahn, Richard, Government Architect; Schmidt, Frederich, Purser on Komet; Steal, Petty Officer; Leimer, Able Seaman; Schuster, Able Seaman; Bull, Able Seaman; Both. Policemaster; Manderer, Policemaster; Kuhn, Bureau Assistant; Lehnert, Veterinary Surgeon; Gottschalk, Clerk Bureau; Schuppert, Secretary Native Court; Glitz, Bureau Assistant; Jahn, Policemaster; Schmidt, Secretary Bureau; Rottke, Engineer N.D.L; Sabas, Lighthouse Engineer; Ammon, 2nd Engineer, s.s. Sumatra; Daus, Policemaster; Kerler, Secretary Treasury; Wissel, F., Planter.
By H.M.A.S. BERRIMA on 4th October, 1914.
Blumenthal. R. Von., Planter, on parole, Army Reserve Officer; Binder. M. Chief Government Cashier; Broedner, A., Government Surveyor; Behr. J., Government Surveyor; Baumert, Carl. and wife, Chief Offical, Treasury; Dammin, Oscar, Government Secretary; Dempwolff, Dr. Otto, Government Medical Officer; Fiebig, E., Legal ADviser, Government Mines Department, Army Reserve Officer; Hammer, Jos., Government Architect; Heisig, E., Native Court; Hoffmann. W. Government Building Secretary; Klug, Dr. Commisioner for New Britain; Katzer, Martin, Army Reserve Officer; Kempf, Lieut. E.K., Forestery Department, Lieut. Army Reserve; Lederer, Dr. Director of Treasury; Lichenstein. K., Chief Offical, Lands and Surveys Department; Lange, Arnold, Chief Clerk, Government Office; Laver, Lieut., Chief of Transport, German New Guinea; Massenhausen. W. Von, and wife, Legal Adviser to Government; Minke, E., Government Road maker; Mahler, wife and child, Government Storekeeper; Scherer, Otto, Government Surveyor, Herbertshihe; Schafer, Ludwig, Government Road Superintendent; Schlettwein, Deputy Governor, Schmeissen, Wireless Engineer; Wocke, R., and wife, 1st Assistant, Government Stores; Stein, G., Government Printer; Blumenstengler, Government Carpenter.