Item 10: General William Holmes diary, 23 August 1914-22 February 1915 - Page 91
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Report received from Herbertshohe that 150 armed Natives had ransacked Bita Paka wireless store and the surrounding district, and were making towards Warangoi River on the South Coast, and that their intention was to make towards Pellis and build canoes to ravage the South Coast. Captain Twynam despatched 43 Native Police, and Commander Beresford 25 Naval Reserves, with 4 days rations. The vessel was compelled to return owing to the heavy seas after landing the troops.
Captain Wuchert, who has taken the oath of neutrality, has returned from Pondo on the North-west Coast; he reports that the Natives on his plantation are causing considerable trouble and he has been compelled to shoot two, who were burning his plantations.
The Collier "Koolonga" left at 3-30 p.m. with mails and 29 prisoners of war, including Captain Von Klewitz and Lieut. Mayer; a guard consisting of 1 Sergeant, 1 Corporal and 9 men, also 1 A.M.C. Private was sent in charge.
The Court Marshal assembled to deal with the charges brought against Col. Sgt. Langtry was in progress all day and was further adjourned until to-morrow.
The Administrator, accompanied by Lt.Col. Watson, O.C. Troops, made an inspection of the defensive arrangements on the ridge at Government House. Detached posts are to take up defensive positions, with rations for one week, overlooking the town of Rabaul, in case of attack during absence of warships.
A supply of boots has been received from the "Ooma", but no invoice of same or bill of lading accompanied them; they have been taken on charge by Supply Officer.
A letter was received from the V.A.C. by the Administrator asking him to take care not to expose any ships left in port to the danger of small German Cruisers which may be in the vicinity.
P.M.O. reports that there are no cases of serious illness amongst the troops at Rabaul and Herbertshohe.