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British Vice-Consul.
It is a matter for congratulation that the British Vice-Consul (Mr. Jolley) has been restored to his home at Rabaul. At the outbreak of the war Mr. Jolley refused to give his parole, and was therefore arrested and secretly removed to another part of the possessions. The sympathy of all has been with him and his family.
The expedition dispatched to Kawieang on the 16th October, effected his release and Mr. Jolley returned to Rabaul on the 23rd October. It is hoped that he is little or more the worse for his experience.
The Garrison Bakery.
A garrison bakery has recently been opened in connection with the store in Rabaul, and the troops are now supplied with fresh bread daily. This is a new proof of the comfort and welfare of the troops being continually studied. The bakery was designed and erected by Lance-Corporal W.T. Field of "A" Company, and is in charge of Sergeant C.W. Taylor, ably assisted by Privates J. Corroy, J. Szablowski, and J. Read, all of "C" Company. Baking goes on continually and 1,000lb of bread is produced daily.
The permanent Garrison for New Ireland, under command of Captain Grant Thorold, was dispatched by the S.S. Meklong on the 28th instant, and, on the same date the S.S. Messina conveyed the troops to occupy Naura. The Administrator and Staff Captain accompanied this Expedition.
During His Excellency's absence Major F.B. Heritage will act as Deputy Administrator.
It is anticipated that normal conditions of trade will shortly be established.
Messrs. Burns, Philp & Co,'s steamers, "Moresby" and "Matunga" have already arrived at Rabaul with Government stores and merchants' supplies. The "Meklong" has been utilised for inter-island commerce with New Britain by the Government and the "Matunga" has made her first trip to Frederic Wilhelmshafen carrying passengers and supplies.
These ships are bringing back large cargoes of copra which will be dispatched to Sydney by the Burns, Philp vessels.
Right and Left Halves at Soccer.
Representative teams from the Right and Left Halves of the Battalion met on Saturday afternoon (24th October). The match resulted in an easy victory for the Left Half, the score were:- Left Half 4; Right Half 1.
Capture of the "Samoa."
On 24th inst. the "Madang" which was commissioned by the Administrator, and put in charge of Lieut-Commander R.S. Lambton V.D.,R.A.N.R., left Rabaul in search of the "Samoa" Steaming along the western coast of New Ireland for about 50 miles the "Samoa" was discovered on the morning of the 25th in Kalibi Bay. On firing a shot the German flag was hoisted. The "Samoa" surrendered without resistance, a prize crew was put on board and she arrived under own power in Rabaul later on in the day. The captain, being ashore at the time, escaped. The captured ship is a three masted schooner 260 tons, with a 110h.p. Standard motor engine, and was owned by "Deutsche Handels and Pflanzung Gesellschaft."
The Weather.
The spell of dry weather continues and water-carting for domestic purposes has been resorted to.
Mail closes for Sydney 7th November, 1914.
Stamps are now available, and may be obtained at the Post Office.
Postage to Australia and British Possessions: Troops, 1d; Others, 2½d.
Postage to adjacent Island,1d.
The troops' attention is drawn to clause 3 of the Garrison Orders, 21.10.14 dealing with mail matters.
Mail left for Wilhelmshafen on the 30.10.14. per Matunga. The boat will return and take mails to Sydney. Mail left per Meklong for Kawieang, New Ireland, 28.10.14.
Mail from Australia arrived Monday, 26.10.14. containing 22,000 letters, parcels and papers, to military and Germans.
So far no information is available as to the next mail from Australia.
OCTOBER 21, 1914.
It has come under notice that persons bearing the same surname as those to whom letters were addressed, have opened these letters, although their Christian name initials did not correspond. It must be understood that this will not be tolerated. Where any reasonable doubt exists as to who the letter is intended for, it must be opened in the presence of the post master or O.C. of company. Any careless opening of letter will be severely dealt with.
Chief Post Master,