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the promotion of objects calculated to diminish the public expenditure.

The fleeces recently imported by him into this country are allowed to be superior to Spanish, and equal to those from Saxony; and there is now a fair prospect that at no very distant period the west of England will be supplied at no very distant period with a considerable quantity of wool, fitted for the manufacture of the finest cloth, and for which we are, at present, wholly dependent upon Foreign Countries Powers. Nor is it alone to this growth of Merino wool subject that he has directed his attention: In the commencement of the present year he caused a number of young olive Trees and vines from the South of France, to be planted and at Camden in situations calculated for their growth. Of the probable success of the former, I will not, at so early a time it may yet seem premature to offer any opinion, but former trials of the olive Tree and its produce, on a limited scale, warrant a belief that oil of the finest kind will, in a few years, be numbered amongst the exports of the Colony. He has also introduced many other trees and plants, have also been introduced by my father, with no account of which, the extended limit of this letter were to refrain from troubling your Lordship. I am unwilling to trouble your Lordship with any further accounts of a simlr kind, since the details indeed into which I have already entered are of a length and


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