Volume 66: Macarthur family correspondence relating to land, 1819-1881: No. 282

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[Page 282]

Parramatta April 15th, 1825


I do myself the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a Letter from your Aid de Camp of yesterdays date, containing an Extract of a Dispatch from Earl Bathurst relating to the Land at Camden.

That Dispatch I would respectfully entreat permission to suggest has been written under a belief that his Lordship's previous instructions on the same subject had been carried into effect and therefore I humbly imagine can have no reference to, much less be intended to invalidate the agreement I had the honor to conclude with Your Excellency last May.

In consequence of that agreement payment of the first instalment of the purchase money has been required by your Authority, and the money so demanded was remitted by me to the Colonial Secretary - as proof of which, I beg leave to enclose a copy of Major Goulburn's Letter and of my reply.

I have the honor to remain
Sir, Your Excellency's
respectful Humble Servant
John Macarthur

Excellency Sir Thomas Brisbane
   &c   &c   &c

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