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21st Jany 1824
I take the liberty to acquaint your Excellency I have this day been informed that the dispatch from the Earl Bathurst, containing his Lordship's orders to grant me the reserved Lands at Cawdor was certainly forwarded by the Sir Godfrey Webster, I am therefore induced to conjecture that in the hurry of business, and amidst the mass of other Publick papers, this one may have escaped observation - Under this impression I trust I need offer no apology for respectfully soliciting, that it may be sought for, and that you will be pleased to give orders for carrying into effect his Lordships instruction.
As Your Excellency is apprized of the general distress which at present prevails from want of pasturage, in consequence of the severe and long continued drought, I feel assured of every assistance in your power being afforded to me, and as my difficulties are much increased and my valuable flocks of Sheep exposed to great danger, at this very trying season I encourage the hope that measures will be adopted for their relief. Permit me to add that the Government herds stationed at Cawdor are also suffering very severely, and that their early removal into the luxuriant and unbounded pastures to the westward of the mountains, would not only essentially serve me but at the same time promote the public interests.
I have the honor to be
Yr Obedt Humble Servt
(signed) John Macarthur
His Excellency
Sir Thomas Brisbane
K.C.B. &c &c &c