Volume 72: Macarthur family correspondence relating to wine, 1846-1900: No. 427
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[Page 427]
33 Via S. Spirito Florence
Dec 30 1873
Dear Sir,
I have just received a letter from my very dear friend Mr George Maclay, which I was most happy to attend to immediately, from his letter I could not understand whether you wished to purchase a Machine or [Machines?] here or simply that I should procure for you a plan or drawing of them. There are none kept on stock, but the person who manufactures them said he had forwarded several to different parts of the world & would undertake to forward you what you require. I begged him to note the price - in calculating these, you may allow allow the £ sterling at 25 [indecipherable] and then make a discount. further he told me that now they dont make machines not crushing the stones, but that a certain amount of power is used to crush the olives so as to obtain the oil of this quality &