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print since I have been in this Colony but where I am not able to recollect, otherwise I should of course not trouble you with the present enquiry.
Supposing you are enabled to furnish me with the information which I solicit you will naturally be desirous and certainly entitled to know - what is the ultimate object which I have in view in seeking it.?
In reply to this probable enquiry on your part I beg leave to state that the particular information above referred to which I am now in quest of will, if obtained, form part of the data on which I propose to apply to the government and to the Legislature of this Colony to abolish in toto, what I consider to be, the unjust impolitic and injurious restrictions on the free sale  and general consumption of Australian wines.  To one so well acquainted with the whole subject as yourself I hardly need mention

Current Status: 
Ready for review