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13 Austin Friars, E.C.
London, 8th August 1864

My Dear Sir,
I have your favour of Saturday, and am very sorry to learn that your thoroughbred Horse has been attacked with bronchitis.  I have notified this mishap to Messrs Deriff & Moore, and should the animal, unfortunately, not be in a fit state 'to be shipped'  pr "Duncan Dunbar" the arrangement as regards the freight, will be at an end.
I have succeeded in getting till Monday next, the 15th Inst. for shipping the Carriages and I have written to Offords this morning, requesting them to have the packages at the Docks on the aforementioned day.  This extension of time will I trust enable Messrs O. to pack everything Dry and in good order.
Enclosed you will find a statement of the deliveries of your Wine

Current Status: 
Ready for review