Volume 72: Macarthur family correspondence relating to wine, 1846-1900: No. 363
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[Page 363]
Bordeaux 25 August 1865
Sydney NSW
Sir Wm Macarthur
dear Sir
We had the pleasure to receive on the 15 inst your most welcome letter of 21st june ordering a supply of wines for your Australian Club - your letter was accompanied by one from the Secretary of the Club enclosing a Bill in hand for £100 which sum is to be applied to the cost of the wines you ordered - settling as you propose the difference which may exist in the event of this sum proving more or less.
You may rely on us paying every attention to the several observations you make in your letter respecting the wines for the Club and referring to [indecipherable] after the wines are dispatched which we propose doing as soon as in our [indecipherable]
we remain dear Sir
yours most obedient servants
Barton & Guestier
We have handed to [indecipherable] Daniel Guestier your enclosure for him - he will have the pleasure of replying hereto by an early opportunity