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[Printed letterhead]

Henry E. Bonnard,
Examiner and Recorder of Colonial Vineyards.
Analyst and Broker of Australian Wines

Sydney (N.S.Wales), Australia,
52 Margaret Street, Wynyard Square North.
August 22nd 1885

                           Copy       Phylloxera
Progress Report to the Director of the Botanic Gardens, Sydney

I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated     inst. informing me that the Government has decided to close the Phylloxera Inquiry at the end of the present month: and as requested, I intimated such notice to my assistants also.
I now beg to report that since last writing I have been engaged in daily examining numerous vineyards in the Penrith, Liverpool, Ryde districts, reports concerning everyone of these are now being prepared for remittance to you, within a day or two.  I may however, say at once that nowhere has the Pylloxera being detected, a fact which the recent increase in temperature tenders every day easier, wherever the insect has already invaded a vineyard for some time, and developed itself there.
By the end of this month, I will have seen as many as 225 vineyards representing an

Current Status: 
Ready for review