Volume 72: Macarthur family correspondence relating to wine, 1846-1900: No. 273

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[Page 273]

81 Moorabool Street
Geelong 12 May 1859

Sir Wm McArthur
Camden Park

I had your esteemed favor of the 9 Feby in reference to the Vine Essays which our Society wished the favor of your acting as one of the Judges of  -  These Essays seven in number were first sent to Mr Siddle in this neighbourhood & then sent to Dr Mueller Melbourn, that gentleman returned them to me yesterday & I at once sent them to your address as the third Judge appointed by the Society.
Dr Mueller says in his letter will you be so kind as to convey to Sir Wm McArthur my
desire that he favor his coadjutors with his opinion on these essays previous to being myself called on to give my own idea of their relative value - 
I have pleasure therefore in leaving these essays in your hands & will thank you to give them your earliest & best attention & have the honor to remain
Your [Most Obliged Servt?]
Jas Campbell Secy

P.S.  I have paid the expense of the parcel to Sydney.  J.C.

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