State Library of NSW
[Page 138]
Sydney 7 November 1855
Dear Sir I have delayed acknowledging until now, the receipt of your letter of the 23 [Ulto?] accompanying the two Hhds White Wine, in hopes of being able to arrange that the wine, which looked [so?] beautifully clear at Camden, would have soon recovered from the effects of the Journey, and been in a fit state to bottle. I am sorry to say that it is now quite turbid and muddy, and I am afraid will remain so for sometime. As I wanted 18 dozen for shipment to the South Sea Islands, I have bottled one Hhd in its disturbed state, trusting that the Wine will settle in the bottle in the course of time but this course would not do if the Wine had been intended for Sale in Sydney. The other Hhd I shall keep until it clears. All this confirms me in my former opinion that these Wines, if intended for sale, must Bottled and kept for about 12 months
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