Item 02: Arthur John Moore diary, 11 November 1916-11 January 1918 - Page 62
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Monday Apr. 30th Commd Letter to M.S. Beautiful sunshining day. Plenty of planes about. After Tea we had a rehearsal to prepare for our Show at the Y.M.C.A. Hut in Albert. Staff Kitson returned from Blighty. He says he had a glorious time & that he failed to notice any Food Shortage in England.
Tues. May 1st Typical May Day. Nice warm & sunny. Our Show in Albert was almost a dud. First of all the Gas Pipe Burst & set fire to the stage; then half way through the 1st half the lights went out & we had to use candles. Eric Herford forgot his words in "Who killed Kaiser" & I did the same. Payney & Bill May were in good form & Bill Gamble was quite brilliant. The 2nd Part went well & the Sketch went screamingly . The Y.M.C.A. people gave us a Good Supper after the Show.
Wed. May 2nd Another glorious day. Our Tug o' War Team pulled against the 15th to see who should pull in the Div. Sports on Friday on Sat Bricky, Bill Williams & I went into Albert after Tea. It was quite a treat to be among civilians again.
Thurs. May 3 Finished my letter to M.S.
This morning our figures for the Con Camp were incorrect, so we spent the morning fixing them up. After the 2 o'clock parade we got busy & scrubbed our Hut out.