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Queen Mary Ward
FRI. Oct. 26. What glorious weather & this October. It's more like our Spring weather at Home. No mail arrived yet. I can't make out what's gone wrong. Nurse irrigated my wound this morning & made quite a fuss of it. We had 3 parsons to see us after dinner. I haven't much time for them on the whole but these were 3 of the best I ever met. It was quite a treat to talk to them. For Tea we had an Egg, B'd & Butter & Cake, quite a good Feed.
Sat. 27. An orderly came round & informed Corduer & I that we are going to Harefield on Monday, & took down our sizes for clothes. Nurse Walker who dresses my Leg, got news to say she must stand in readiness to go to East Africa. A jolly fine nurse she is too.
Sun. 28 Oct. This is visiting day, so I gave my Hair an extra few minutes brushing. They brought our clothes around ready for our removal tomorrow. Good Lord! What news in the Paper. 60000 Italians & 400 Guns captured. Another Russian "sell evidently". The "dagoes" didn't put up a Fight at all. Later. Very few visitors came. A Lady brought us a lovely cake which we had for Supper.
Mon. 29. Got into our Khaki again this morning. Went by car to Brighton station & from there by Train to Victoria, London. Here another car met us, & drove us past Buckm Palace to Paddington. Here we had Cocoa & Sandwiches at the Free Buffet. From Paddn we went by Train to Hendon. There we went by car to the Hospital, changed our Khaki for Blue once more & went to Bed. Glory Alleluia Big mail at last. Wrote Letter to Cis.