Item 02: Arthur John Moore diary, 11 November 1916-11 January 1918 - Page 164
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Wed. Boxing Day. The Fancy Work Exhibition took place today. There were a good number of entries. My Blotter got First Prize for the Best Original Work. Col. Yeatman the O.C. presented the Prizes. Mine was a Writing Case, with Ink Bottle, Calendar, Scribbling Block attached. Quiet a nice present if a man was at Home, but useless to a soldier. I gave it to Sister Davies. My marching papers came not in today so I won't be going out tomorrow.
Thurs. 27. Enquired at Registrars about getting away tomorrow & also about drawing some money. Fixed things up alright. Sent Wire to Ibby to say I'd meet him at Liverpool St. at 3.30
Fri. Dec. 28 About a foot of snow on the Ground. We had to stand in it for about an hour waiting for our Kit to be issued. Went by car to station. Train left about 10. Arrived London about 10.35. Went by car to Horseferry Road. Here we were lectured on various topics & after a long wait at the Pay Office we draw our few pounds. I had a note from the Registrar to draw an extra £ 5, but the Paymaster would not hear of it. I drew £ 4 out of my Pay Book & £ 2.16/- Ration money. It is not much for 14 days Furlough, but I must make the best of it. We had a cup of Tea & Sausage Rolls before leaving H.Q.