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Sat. 25 Nov. Only a few cases came in during the night. It was very miserable & cold & we were very glad when daylight appeared, although we did get busy again. The fire we had going made the place quite cheerful & the poor devils in from the Trenches appreciated it. We got a fair crack of rations & we cooked Bacon for Breakfast. Just over the road from us the "Comforts Fund" keep cocoa & soup "on tap", day & night, for the men coming in from the trenches. The Padre runs it (Rev. Ward) & he has 4 light duty men from the Inf. to cut wood & keep the fires going. We went into Delville Wood to get wood for our fire. No wonder it is called
Sun. 26. Last night Fritz put a few shells very close to our dug out. About 2 a.m. he dropped one in a dug out about one hundred yards away where 3 men of the 58th were sleeping. Two were killed outright; & the 3rd man (C.E.Wright) got 6 shrapnel wounds about the legs which we fixed up. He was anxious to know how his mates were, & we had to pitch a tale. It has rained like blazes ever since we have been here, but now we are about to be relieved the sun is actually shining. Poor old Kirb sprained his ankle last night & had to return to Camp. The water supply ran out just before dark last night, & Mac & I had to go into A.D.S. to report it. We went across the Paddock where the track is marked by white posts, but returned along the road, as it was misty & we didn't like the idea of being "bushed". It was quite an exciting walk as in places the mud is up to one's middle. We arrived back wet through & the cup of cocoa the mob had ready went down real well.