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As soon as I entered the O.R. Alldis handed me some very welcome Letters.
1 each from Mother & Cis, & 1 from M.S. Poor old girl's got a sore hand. The first Letter she ever wrote me in Pencil.
Wed. 13. Got up as soon as I had Break. & Blanton [?] put me on to a run into Amiens as Orderly on one of the Cars. There was no time to loose & I had to hop on the Car just as I was & take 5 sick men into No. 1 Stat. Hosp. It is run by N.Zd's & is right "up to date". After discharging my patients took a stroll round the City. It was a dull, cold day & things were not looking at their Best. Went into Hairdressers to get Hair Cut & shave, but after watching the two Frenchmen fool around a couple of French officers, singing their hair & curling their moustaches with hot irons got tired of waiting so cleared out & went into an estaminet & had some light refreshments. Met a Canadian & had very interesting yarn. Ran into Alldis & motor driver
Returned to Hospital, where the N.Zdr's gave us a good feed. Stew & Rice Custard. After Dinner took stroll round City. Visited Y.M.C.A. Purchased Pipe. Some fine shops, but £s.d. being limited, made no purchases. Electric Trams with women drivers. They wear uniform. Looked very quaint. Not feeling well, was glad to get aboard Car about 5 & return to Camp. Feeling worse, reported to doctor (Maj. Clayton) who ordered me to Bed into Hospital.
Thur. 14. Slept fairly well but throat very sore. On soft tucker & inhalation. After Break. moved into Hut. Some cow got away with my "Anzac". It's rotten being in Hospital, shall be glad to get out again. Stayed in Bed all day. Tried to write Mrs A.J. but failed dismally.
Fri. 15. Throat much better. Got up after Break. & had good wash. Still on soft diet. Nothing much doing. Plenty of patients arriving & departing. These Huts are not very warm, much better up in our billet. Stan Wilson is orderly & he looked after me real well. Reg Matthews is in next Bunk & Reg Laycock & 3 others of 8th are also patients