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Sun. Dec. 31. Church Parade. Cosier took service & made special mention of poor old Alec & Nugget. More Choir Practise in the morning. Busy fixing stage. Had try out with Piano. Things went off well. More rehearsal at night.
Mon. JAN. 1st 1917. The great day at last. Last night things passed off quietly as we were too tired to play up. Sullings was on Cookhouse picket till midnight, so he woke all hands when he came to Bed & made them usher in the New Year. Kept very busy all day making final arrangements. As the time drew near for the Concert to start I got very jumpy, but the show went off wonderfully well. The first part was splendid, but the second half was a bit drawn out. Dodson, as Boko, the waiter, was a scream. After the Show we had a little conviviality behind the scenes.
Tues. 2. Slept in till about 10. Everyone delighted with the Concert. The Col. wants us to show in Vignacourt for the 5th Div. so we are mighty busy getting things going again. Hooray, Mail came in. Got 6 Letters 2 from France, 1 Mother, 3 from L. written in Pencil & 2 in Ink from Essendon. Also one from Aunt Nell informing me of poor old Uncle Stewart's death. Finished M.S. Letter. Posted it
Wed. 3. Got up to Breakfast. First time for 10 days. Issued with Pants, waterproof sheet, etc. Wrote to Aunt Nell & Mother. Sgt. Price, Tom Hill went on Leave Busy arranging items for Concert. After Tea had rehearsal in Dressing Tent. Put in some good work.
Thur. 4. Commd. Letter to M.S. After Dinner Lecture on "Care of Equipment" by Capt Robinson. Another Busy Day arranging & rehearsing items for our next Concert.