Item 02: Arthur John Moore diary, 11 November 1916-11 January 1918 - Page 60

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[Page 60]

Tues. 24th Major Bond sent in to know if we could put our Show on at Mametz Wood to the 15th Brigade; but things are very awkward at present.

Wed. Apr. 25th Anzac Day
Fred Saunders sprained his Leg, while playing football, so was not able to go out with the Transport. Now we can put on our Show. Last night Maj. Clayton sent Eric Herford, Bill Bailey & I out to Mametz to see Maj. Bond & arrange for a Show. We are going there on Sat. night.
Sent parcel of souvenirs Home to Lill Our Show went off fairly well but not near so well as last Wed's Show. Commenced writing to M.S.

Thur. Apr. 26th Yesterday there were Sports held at most Camps & Anzac Day was kept up in good style.

Friday 27. Cloudy & cold wind blowing. Got another Glorious Letter from D.O.L. That Girl is a marvel. She'd cheer the heart of the Kaiser himself. Finished off my Letter to B.G. & posted it.
Football match between
Possibles – nil & Probables – 9pts

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