Item 02: Arthur John Moore diary, 11 November 1916-11 January 1918 - Page 125

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Tues. Sept. 11. Today we got our N. B's gear out & overhauled it. We put everything ready to go to the Flying Corps, but they failed to send a Conveyance & we had to abandon the proposed Concert.

Wed. 12. Football Match V 31st Batt. B. Coy. "Old Kit" made arrangements for us to give a Concert to the 55 Batt. at Lynd, & we have got everything ready for tomorrow night. We are getting our Photos taken, so even if this Concert doesn't materialise, we won't have wasted time in looking over our Gear. After Tea our Rugby Team wandered down to the Paddock where "Doug Haig" reviewed us & played the 31 Batt. B Coy. We were quite a large party of Barrackers & the Game was most interesting. We came Home winners 19 to nil.

Thur. Sept. 13.
Concert at Lynde
Quite an eventful day. Pay day. drew 30 F. Mail came in. Got Letters from Mother, France, Cis, Arthur, & 2 from M.S. Hooray!
The photor. came along & took our Photos. "The Nightbirds" & "B sec. Botts" Then we left in 2 Cars for Lynd. Jack Edgar & Ted Jane left earlier in the morning. When we arrived we had to search around the village for something to make a stage with, & also erect a Tent. Good Job we brought Jacky with us, as he worked like 3 men. Snowy Atherton made his maiden appearance, also Bert Overett, & both of 'em did very well. The Piano arrived in the nick of time. Although it rained & a cold wind was blowing, our crowded audience stuck right to the end, & we class it, as one of our greatest successes.

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