State Library of NSW
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Wed. Sept. 5. The weather is glorious this last few days. Nice blue sky & plenty of sunshine. We spent a quiet day, just cleaned up our billet & finished for the day. After Tea a combined A & C section Team played B sec. at Baseball. B sec. came second. Stan Wright & I walked into Roqueloire after Tea. This afternoon the Engineers were experimenting with some new explosive for cutting wire. If noise counts anything towards success, then it was certainly a great success, as it nearly deafened us. Things are awfully slow, one hardly knows how to put in time.
Thurs. Sept. 6. Did some washing this morning. I job I detest. The weather is great. Quite a treat to be alive. Received Letter from Mrs. S [indecipherable] Bacup. Heard today that Bill Lancaster was marked P.B. & sent over to Blighty. Lucky Beggar.
Fri. Sept. 7. This morning the Div. Gas Officer gave a very interesting Lecture on the new Gas that Fritz is sending over. We formed a square round the manure heap in the yard at H. Qtrs. After the Lecture he gave us a Tin to smell at containing some chemical, so that we would recognise Fritz's Gas, if he sends any over our way. It is very similar to the aroma of mustard.Received Letter & very welcome Parcel from Mrs Sam, containing Cakes & Cigarettes. Quite a treat, & we enjoyed Cake & Tongue for Tea. Wrote to Bacup. Our Rugby Team played 5 Mac. Gunners & won, 17 - 7
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