Item 02: Arthur John Moore diary, 11 November 1916-11 January 1918 - Page 106

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[Page 106]

Tues. July 31st. Feeling pretty good this morning. The M.O. marked 3 chaps for Blighty this morning. Lucky beggars. My Temp. is 97, so I reckon he'll be soon passing me out to the Com. Camp. Had a good dinner. Roast mutton, Beans & Potatoes. Sago. We find things very slow. If I had some writing Paper, I could write to Lill.
I am 9th man to tell my tale of woe to the doc. & its rather a strain to make up a feasible yarn that will appeal to him after 8 others have had a go.

Wed. Aug. 1st Raining heavily. The M.O. marked a D on my Diet Sheet this morning. I find that it means I'm not permanently unfit, but there is still a faint hope of getting to Blighty. The orderly greatly cheered us up by saying that nearly everybody who left this Marquee 13 went over to E. Good news in the Paper. 3500 prisoners taken. Every time our fellows have a big "hop-over" it rains like the very devil. Evidently the terrific bombardment has something to do with it.

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