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use. October 1918. An order issued to the Compounds wher to the effect of all Bitchens & dogs wich wher un registered, would be taken out of the Compound by the Authoritys & shot. The authorities would refuse to register any Bitches except dogs in a few exceptional cases. As the result of this order about 70 dogs wher shot. Amongst those, wher some valuable pedigreed Buldog bitches & Kelpies. As we Internees hawe only 1 warm shower bath in this camp & a newly made tub bath, & same belonging to a Internee. The owner of same issued the following notice. I am compelled to charge 3 pence per bath, also do away with the concession of granting free baths for Invalid Internees as the Governement charging me 2 Sh & 6 pence per 1000 gallons, also the price of the necessary firewood has been increased by the Authoritys. I also wiche to mention hier that all the Internee owned shop, like Bakerys, Butchers, Greengrocers ecetra had to pay for their wood, also the water rates. The free picture show issued to us 3 times per week with 2 respektive new programes, in the middle of our Camp Open Air, cost the Camp per month £ 30 the sums wher payd out of the Canteen funds. During the 11-14 October all Austrianes wich had been amongst us since comencement of Internement wher ordered to pack their belongings to fre remowe to the newly errected Barraks, wich had been errected to receive the Trial Bay Internees on their arrival hier, since departet to their new Camp. None the Austrians had their separate Camp suroundet by