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the following quantities are due to us , [indecipherable] for the last weekend 16th 98lb on the 23rd 1320lb making a totall of 1418lb. This irregular supply has giwen a rise to a lot of discontent, among the Internees, followed by denouncing & abusing the Camp Representation & Camp Comanders two of the later hawing meanwhile resigned for this reason. We wher affordet an opportunity, to bring this regretable state of affairs under the Notice of the Camp Comandant. Major Hollborrow this morning, who on enquiry was told by the asistant Quatermaster that a shipment of cheese was expekted to arive in Sydney today. Unfortunately statements of this nature hawe on various ocassiones been made to us by the A.G.M.C. Departement, but instead of being fullfilled, the Camp was only subjected to more dissapointements. It is for this reasones, that the Internees hawe come so nervous & restless, that we hawe been instructed to aske you to remedy this evil. We take the oportunity again to point out to you, that the margarine now supplied is being detested, the Internees rightiously maintaining that it is not fitt for eating purposse; In order to avoid further corespondence about irregular suplies of cheese & also in order to solve the margarine question, we would like to sugest, if you would kindly induce the Governement to allow us the value of both Cheese & Margarine in money, wich we propose to distribute to the Internees at the end of each week against individual recipts. We respektfully request to giwe our proposal your earnest consideration, as this is our opinion the only way out of the difficulty. Awaiting a favorable reply. We beg to remain Sir respektfully Camp Representation 25/ All camp Comander held a meeting to protest against the issue of the irregulars & bad issue of foodstuffs to us Internees. They deceited