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September 4th 1918, the Comandant Hollborrow, who however refused to change his decission regarding the election but answered that the Rules for the forthcoming election would be issued by the military Authoritys. To the Committee forwardet the letter on to the Official Visitor The Honorable Mr Justice Harvey. The request to hawe permission granted to publish this letter on the Camp Noticeboard hawing being refused, the committee toke secret ways to inform every Internee of the Contents in hawing over 40 copys typwritten & handet one to each Company Comander to pass it on from Mess to Mess for the Internees perusal. As the reader will see how we wher oppresed n the sellection of the Committee, although the Rules & Regulations issued by the General Govenor Mr Mauro Ferguson in the Name of the King waranted us this Right. Butter & Cheese issue very irregular, cheese being now 17 days overdue. On the 10/ we wher issued terms by the Military re governing the ballot of the Committee (State Rules issued). On the 14/ wher the day of the ballot, as this ballot wher contradictory to our Camp rules as stated previously only 28 Internees voted out of 5000 & those 28 Internees only voted as an hoax in hawing Names written on the ballot paper of some well known Camp  €“ lunatic, the majority wher for Aunt King Frank & some for Ginger, two Internees who had to be under treatement in a Lunatic Asylum, instead of being left unattendet in our midst. 14/ State notifications of our Deputy Comptroller in answer to a letter of complaint send by the Ballot committee regarding the exhorbitant prices of the Canteen & the Canteen funds. On the

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