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cial visitor. The Australian press wher full allmost daily stating terrible accounts of ill treatements of Pris of War in Germany. I let the reader judge for himself at the end of this, if our treatement in general has been any better than those accounts as appeared in the press, regarding the unfortunates in Germany. 24/ This day 6 more wher released. On this day about 300lb leaf tobacco wich wher send to us Internees by the Tobacco Planters of New Guinea wher recieved, to be distributed amongst us. It amounted to about half a pound to each mess, comprising of 10 Men allthough to donation to each Internee, wher smal, same wher very much apreciated, specially the needy, as this would give them at least a smoke, as tobacco wher allmost a luxcury in this camp, on account of the prices ruling the Canteen wich wher allmost exhorbitant, vie 10sh & 6 pence per pound & no facilities giwe, or hardly any to earn any money. The Imperial Soldiers (Germans, recieved also this day an additional  £ 1 each. Money wich wher send through the red cross, & subscribed in Germany. All Invalids of these Camp also those over 50 years of age recieved 10sh each as a Xmas gift of this same fund. On the 29 the Camp wher notified the following No Milk will be issued untill same arrived at the Store, signed Malloy This is another trick to rob the Internees of the little food they are permitted under the previously mentioned scale of rationes as this Camp is entitled to receive daily about 800 tins of milk. Xmas & boxcing day wher the worst every experienced in this Camp. The long internement has made the inmates feel like Lifetimers, as the saying goes. The food & the routine wher on both days the same as on any other working day. During Xmas & New year another 50

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