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Trial Bay Internees I gathered the following: May 18th 60 Guards arrived at Trial Bay & the internees wher informed to be ready for transportation within ¼ hour. The luggage & personal property to be left behind, as their would be Australian Soldiers ordered off to pack same & follow later. To this unreasonable request & order the Internees in a body resolved to refuse but to demand 24 hours time to be ready for transportation. A stormy Meeting between the Camp Comandant & the Internees committee resulted in the Internees hawing their reasonable wish granted: As mentioned previously, mostly all wher of the wealthy Class, they had, to make their internment as bearable as possible build with their own money build a Theater Cino Stadium Peace Hall & several other Structure. The Peace Hall wher 2 Storys high expencively decorated & furniture acordingly. Also a Garden valued by the Governement as per Sydney paper of 1000 £ To the Buildings wich wher private property the Internees sett fire same burned to the ground, as the Internees reconed they wher justified in doing so, as it wher private property wich had cost the Internees Money & now unable to take along. Re the Garden the following appeared in the Sydney Press. German help soldiers. A Vegetable garden taxced by experts to be of the value of £1000 with irrigation & cemented Pits hawing being left behind the Internees extra: see account of Daily. When the 24 hours had elapsed, they wher shipped aboard a steamer bound for Kempsey. From their they wher transshiped by 2 trains to this Camp. During the 20 hours journey by train, not a