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hands of the Federal Governement of Australia. To this opinion also the German Internees sighted sidet & requested the President to cease instantly his posstion. So from this date their has been no Committee in this Compound. The Military will be held responsible for all happenings within this Compound, becourse they toke the Rights away from the Internees, in shoosing their Camp representation, as they thought fitt, acordding to the Rules issued to the Australian Prisoners of War interned in Australia. This President, Secretary & 1 Committee Men could never represent honestly 5000 Men with satisfaction to the majority, as during the past they hawe certainly failed & so cannot be trusted with this responsible position in the futher. The Provost Marshial reigned like a [indecipherable] over this Camp, & shurly he used his Uniform for his own protection, & also to make us Internees tremble as he most shurly wher possed of a Hate towards all us Germans. On the 16th a report wher issued of Captain Griffiths death in the Sydney Daily Papers, this Officer has been second in Comand to this Camp from its commencement untill 1916 when the present Officials toke charge; this Official has been killed on the West front (France) by a German bullet. As this Officer had giwen the order to shoot if any Internee tried to mowe after the Internee had been told to "Halt in consequence the first Internee got shot in this camp young Ahrendt, as Narrated in any book its commencement, their wher great yoy amongst the Internees, especially as this respektive Official had not left a friend who

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