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with the clause of the Rules for the custody of & maintaining discipline among Pris of War, the vegetable gardens & Recreatiion ground & connected with the main compound will be closed from Friday February 21st instant for (7) days on account of an atempted escape about Midnight on the 19-20 Febr 1919 Signed Hollman Lieut. Col. Comandant. In a body the Internees protested against this injust sentence, as it wher deuterimental to the Rules & Regulation governing the good discipline of the Camp & without formerly made arangements without guide Leadership or advise they protested, insofern that they refused to fall in on the Parade as usual. As the only Recreation ground in wich Internees could pass the day to keep physically & mentally fitt wher closed the Internees sulkingly, marshed inside the Barbwire of the overfilled Compound like Liones in the Cages of the Zoo. On this day the following notice wher issued to the Camp. The employment of Permanent Camp cleaners hawing ceased Company Comanders must arrange to hawe a Man at the Main gate every morning at 9 a.m. to fill the Camps with oil, as from tomorrow. Signed L Molloy, Major AsTs QmGC Camps. As no Internee had layd down their work voluntaryly but the Comandant try to dispell of 2 Internees labor wich had been employed to fill all the lamps with Oil since Camp comencement & hand this aditional work upon the allready overfilled work of the Company Comanders, as they xcertainly would hawe meet with trouble in finding Men daily to fill the Lamps without pay, the Company Comanders put their request, to continue the employment of the two Internees as Lamp fillers. However as the Comandant refused their Request, they in a body resigned, the Comandant accepted the resignation instantly. As every Internee had now, to look for himself, as no Company Comanders wher their, & as formerly mentioned, as a protest in receiving our injust punishment at the Hands of the Comandant, they