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performed for formerly stated reasons, the Camp is in an unmentionable state. The air is preluted with Germ infested air. The Stensh is allmost unbearable. Rubbish laying about in heaps, the Rubbish box wich used to get emptied twice daily is overfilled. The air around the Closets are unbearable as they pans in same hawe not been emptied or cleaned since the 22nd becourse all the empty Pans are locked away, & the Internees do not intend to giwe the Authorities pretext of any sort to carry out their dastardly plot, do not intend to break open the doors & so giwe them the much longer for pretext under the Name of destroying Governements property. The Internees suffered on in silence. During last Night all the Internees wher recalled from No 5 & 6 Camp wher they had been employed Roadmaking This wher don as a precaution by the Authorities to hawe all the Guards around the main camp, in case the Internees should fall to the trap, sett for us.
The Internees had to walk through the rain for miles, carrying their possessiones on their shoulders. During the afternoon 9 Internees wich had been seen speaking & encouraging the Internees not to use violence or force wher arested by the Military Police & escorted into Singh Singh Compound. Those arested wher charged with acting detrimental to the good conduct & discipline of the Camp also for being the Leaders of the socalled strike. They suffered [indecipherable] as the Camp had nor required a leader, but in a body wher resolved to ask for at least Civilised treatement & if possible our speedy release (state account of Matunga Crew & letter dated 27/ one of those wher Proffessor Bose, also the Internee Kook formerly mentioned, for hawing painted Gottstrafe England on his Convict garb & being sentenced to imprisonement. The Camp Authority under its Leadership of Lieut Col. Hollman are seeking with the dirtiest devices possible to get the Inmates of this Camp to Mutiny, but to their dis