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Internees mostly australian born, wher released. Amongst the released wher Mr Reesh, the formerly mentioned Sydney Brewer & Mr Blau, an Austrian & Importer of Soap & Perfume into Australia. (State accounts in the daily as a Protest against the releases) 29/ The Camp hawing recieved a donation, consisting mostly of second hand wearing appearal same came for distributiones & it amounted to 10 different appearals to each Company each containing 100 persons or more. The articles wich got lots drawn for in the Writers company wher the following 3 Vests 3 trousers 3 Shirts & 1 Overcoat. Though this Gifts consisted as stated previously of second hand, the appearal wher indeet mush required by the lucky need, Internees, as mostly especialy those interned in Australia run allmost naked about, becourse the clothing issue of the Governement being insufficient, as they had been arrested in most instances at a moments notice, & no time granted by the Arresting Authoritys in getting their belongings, previously to their departure for the Internement Camp. In a good few instances these Internees hawe written & applied to hawe the Clothing forwardet unto them. However in most cases, the letters wher ignored. However if the Clothing wher forwardet, to some of them, allmost in every instance only part of the contents arived, the parcel hawing being rifled during transit to this Camp. New rules wher also issued to this Camp by the Military post office advising the married Internees that in futher 1 pence halfpenny would be charged on letters in private enveloped, adressed to their wifes, residing in Australia. 30. This is the last day of the old year & every [indecipherable] its usual routine course

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