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english parents (Scott) the rest wher Naturals and Farmers. All the Australian born Internees wher called to the Inteligence Department asked if their propertys had been confiscated, or if their Wifes or familys had continued the business. If they had a home to go to when released, also if they thought, that they would be able to procure work when released. As the hot season had sett in, allmost each & every Internee sleept in front of his barrak on the hard ground, as sleep inside the Sheds wher out of the question on account of the Vermin infested State of same Bugs & Fleece & Musquitoes, had the Sheds all Nights to themselves. On the 15/ the Soldiers held their annual Sports on the socalled Racecourse about 1000 yards from this Camp. From what the Writer could see it turned out a great suxcess. It looked similar to a general Public Picnic. Also on this day, like on the former Sports day the visitors viewed us Internees, like the animals in the Zological Gardens, becourse we also wher keept behind wires. The time will come, when some Internees, will look upon a Kangarooh in some foreign parts of this world, & think of the times, when things wher reversed. As mostly all Police wher detained in our Camp on duty & so unable to be present at the sports, they let their anger loose on Internees. They raidet all messes, wher gambling, no matter how small toke place, they confiscated the money & put the inmates of the Mess in the Lockup charged with gambling. During this time a working partie of Internees wich had refused, to finish their working period vie 14 days under the working Officer in charge, on acount of using insulting words to some Internees had their pay for 10 days confiscated by the Authoritys. Although the 40 Internees affected hawe taken all steps possible to have the S10 payd out them by the Authoritys, but without avail