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thoritys per month, nothwithstanding the fact, that the electric [indecipherable] wher bought out of the Canteen funds, & so belonged to the Internees themselves & the labor necessary thereon, wher a Internee got payd 23 per diem. The operating machine wher also wher payd for out of the Canteen fund with 85 £ December 1918. On this day all consumptive Internees wich had been under Medical treatement in Waterfall Sanitorium wher returned heir, Somewher interned in the special Consumptive Camp others, on account of the want of acomodation, wher returned amongst our midst. 2/ On this day a Notice wher issued to the Internees to sellect 10 Germans & 5 Christians, to asist in the winding up of of the Prisoners Canteen & to distribute the proceeds if any. After the Camp has been in full swing & the Canteen got inaugerated, during the first week wich and same has been in the hands of the governement to since its comencement, they aske of the Internees asistance & to see that we get our just rights & a fair deal. As all the books had been attendet to by the Military & no Internee had been permitted ever to see the books, although demandet of the Camp Committee on several ocassion, however allways refused, in consequence their could be no Man to be found amongst us, willing to take on the offering, as stated previously, the Internees never had been permitted to see books, make any rules, concerning the Canteen neither in the fixcing of the prices, or the distributions of the proffits. As the Military had done with the Canteen what they had thought fitt, the Camp came to the conclussion, as the provost Marshiall Captain Bardsley had prevented the Internees from selecting a Committee, they would not vote for a Committee now, theirfore everything concerning the Canteen got left in the Militarys hands untill the time comes, to act, as our rules provide. During the week a few Internees wher released the majority wher Australian born of German parentage also, one British born in England of