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5.  flourish, I guess that is not bad going, what do you think?  By jove Nell you would be surprised if you could only see & realise the difference we have made, to any part of the line the Australians have been in, everything is one hundred per cent, & more, better than when we took them over.  We have been & are working hard at improving things, not that I want to boast, as I'm afraid I have not done all I might have, but still the fact remains, Fritz would not stand a ghost of a chance of dislodging us from our present positions, & I do like our chance of ousting him when the good time comes, which we all hope shan't be long.  "I want to go home, I dont like this place."  
It is just about time to stand by, so will bring this to a close.  Give my love to Mum & all the family, & please dont forget to let me know if this reaches you up to time, Best of love & lots of kisses, besides the usual.
Ver xxxx
You know the usual proceeding from the gate back to the verandah.  Do you compré Al

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