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[Page 136]  Y.M.C.A. letterhead .

a sleeve in them down to the elbow.  We have a great parson, or padre, with us, named Mckenzie an old captain of the salvation army.  I went to two church parades today, one voluntary.  What do you think of that  Arthur got a parcel today & we had a great tuck in.  Vera sent it, cake, pudding, lollies & cigs.  He expects another shortly.
Tell Mum & Jen that I will write both of them shortly.  I have been receiving papers & letters regularly so you might tell Dad to continue to send them along as they are looked forward to.  Even if I dont get them some other chap will.  Well Nell the candle is low, news is scarce & lights out has just sounded.  Strange to say the candle just went clean out so must close

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