Item 01: Alan Keats Gordon letters to Nellie Clark, 18 August 1914-30 August 1916 - Page 94

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[Page 94]

7.  mantle-shelf in the dentists waiting room.  He is still repairing my beauty.  I have to go on duty at six o'clock as Battalion Orderly Corporal perhaps my last corporals job.  If it is I will dine in future in the sergts mess.  Some class.  Mr. Passmore has also gone to the school I am told to pass for his captaincy.
The 30th Batt arrived here a couple of days ago, and seem very flash on it, they seem to have been living too high on the other side, but they will soon forget it here.  They even had the neck to shy at bully-beef and biscuits the other morning, an absolute luxury.  We have some fun of a day at dinner-time, whenever we get stew, by throwing the hunks of meat up into the air, and the desert hawks swoop down and grab it in their claws.  They are very quick and rarely miss.  I forgot to tell you of a little instance that happened yesterday.  We spoke to one of the many guides in Cairo and he showed us his note book with many names in it & the first I saw was R. Jowett.  He could not speak too highly of Mr Jowett.  Fine chap.  I took

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