Item 01: Alan Keats Gordon letters to Nellie Clark, 18 August 1914-30 August 1916 - Page 317

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[Page 317]

7.  know that you intend to keep me up to my promise re coming through this country again we'll do it old girl, if it can possibly be managed & Scotland shan't be left out, you can bank on that.  I've changed my mind about taking over the command of our forces, am satisfied to remain under my present boss Mr. Boileau.  H. Wheat is with the Pioneers now, & I have not seen him for awhile.  I did not write his girl as he did not give me the chance.  I'd have whipped it in if he had.  Biddy has not toed the scratch yet.  Well Nell I must close now with "very best love, & lots of kisses to my little sweetheart from
Thanks for the usual, it is returned tenfold.

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