Item 01: Alan Keats Gordon letters to Nellie Clark, 18 August 1914-30 August 1916 - Page 315

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[Page 315]

5.  long tramp, & believe we have stiff work before us, up where things are being done just now.  My feet gave me rats today, as I had to wear new boots, but I managed to stick it out.  We marched for four & a half hours, so you can guess what I felt like, at the end, Well Nell, how did the social go, I suppose you & Jen, raised an encore, I expected it you know, now that you have started again.  I can see that they still do things in the same old way at the church.  Was surprised to hear you & Jen had taken on tennis, as you never mentioned it before.  I suppose you can dish them all up.  We will have some good games later on.  Don't know why the authorities should have kept back my letters of the 4th of May, but suppose they had a reason.  I am just about sick of eggs now, but can still do justice to a dozen or so, at a setting.  No I have not got beyond the baby stage of wanting bread & milk.  I'd make a big basin of it look very sick just now.  Glad to hear that Arch did so well with the first part of his exam, & am anxiously waiting to hear that he has succeeded in

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