Item 01: Alan Keats Gordon letters to Nellie Clark, 18 August 1914-30 August 1916 - Page 296

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[Page 296]

2.  turning up regularly.  It was rather hard luck, the mail being delayed in Melbourne on those two occasions, but you cannot blame Vic because the Adelaide Express ran late.  Sorry to see you take the  view you do of all Melbournites.  A few, no doubt are of a selfish nature, but, you must not forget that selfish folk can even be found in Sydney.  Of course present company is always included, no I mean excluded.  I suffer with same complaint as Biddy, at times.  Never mind Nell, perhaps I may be able to run a special boat to carry my mail to you all up the line.  I had to stop here for a bit, as a bundle of mail just arrived & of course about half was for me.  Two letters of Jens turned up dated 2/4/16 & 17/4/16.  I also received a number of papers, & everybody is now silently reading news of Syd.  I get more papers generally than the rest of the Bombers put together but am always last to see them.  Everybody's happy here, so carry on.  As you will notice, I have not yet reached London, but if I do get there I will certainly go up to Edinburgh.  Leave is granted together with a free pass to wherever you wish to go.  Thanks for Minister's name.  Have you received

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