Item 01: Alan Keats Gordon letters to Nellie Clark, 18 August 1914-30 August 1916 - Page 277

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[Page 277]

4.  doing well.  He is now a drummer I believe.  You say that you cannot clearly make out just exactly what I am, well It his still a full corp.  As you suggest I did have a cheek to write a certain party as I did but you know it is not the first time I gained my point by cheek, is it?  Mum must have caused some friction when she spoke up, in regards to that announcement.  How is the finger progressing.  I thought something must have happened, as the writing was nearly as bad as mine, & as they all tell me thats the limit.  I think it was Dad, said he was nearly ashamed to receive it through the post.
It never was up to much, but the war has ruined it, ahem.  It will improve after the war.  How

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